Saturday Vigil 5pm
Sunday 8 & 10:30 am
1st Saturday Mass (monthly) 9:00 am
Monday & Tuesday 8am
Friday 12:10pm
Click here to view Mass webpage.
Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45pm
*If time is not convenient, please call Fr. John 860 342-2328
Holy Hour Benediction
First Friday of every month following 12:10 pm Mass
Office hours:
9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONELICENSE with License #A-737771. All rights reserved.
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The Mission of St. Mary Parish, the Roman Catholic community serving Portland and surrounding towns, under the protection of Mary, Mother of Christ, is to preach, to teach, and to live the Gospel of Christ in our daily lives.
Through our communal and individual prayer, we preach the Gospel in liturgical settings, calling all people to live fully Christ’s injunction to “love God and love thy neighbor.” We call all members of our community to participate fully in the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
Through Religious Education programs for children and adults we teach the Gospel of Christ, calling all members to grow in their knowledge of the faith, so that they might grow in their personal encounter with God and more fully integrate the Great Commandments into their daily lives.
Through support of community outreach programs and efforts within the community to assist all those in need, we are called to live the Gospel of Christ through loving service of our neighbors and our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
Masses from the Cathedral of St. Patrick
From Bishop Cote:
There is no higher priority within the Diocese of Norwich than the protection and spiritual welfare of our young. We continue our longstanding commitment to the support and healing of victim-survivors of abuse and we reaffirm our commitment to protect our children, young people, and vulnerable adults from harm. It is important that we all know and understand the progress of our diocesan policies, protocols, and training concerning abuse prevention and the protection of children and young people. For this information, please visit the website of the Office of Safe Environments for the Diocese of Norwich.