• St Mary Portland Mass
    Live Mass each Sunday at 10:30!! Click to watch....
    4 FADE
    St Mary Portland Mass Live Mass each Sunday at 10:30!! Click to watch.... https://vimeo.com/event/501398 _blank
    St Mary Portland Mass You are missed! Join us. Mass times: Sat- 5pm, Sun- 8am & 10:30am, Mon & Tues- 8am, Friday- 12:10pm /mass-times _self
    Join Us On MyParish App Utilize our MyParish app to receive updates directly to your phone. https://myparishapp.com/download/ _blank
    St Mary Portland Mass Live Sundays at 10:30am Click here https://vimeo.com/event/501398 _blank
    Merry Christmas Please come join us at 4:00 pm or 9:00 pm on the 24th, or Christmas Morning at 10:00 am., love Fr. John and Patsy